The History of DCS
Our school began in the late 70s when the Government of Alberta supported alternative education through independent and private schools. We chose to provide an “independent” school as an alternative to public and Catholic systems.
We joined the Association of Independent Schools and Colleges (AISCA) as an independent, non-elitist school with a Christian foundation. Initially named People’s Christian Academy, we started with 43 students. In the late 80s, we relocated and built a multi-facility, serving over 200 students from ECS to grade 12, then called Word of Life Christian School.
As we grew along with educational costs, financial challenges arose. Many similar schools either closed, joined public boards, or increased fees. We explored becoming an alternative program within public systems but were refused. Instead, we felt guided to something better.
Destiny (Christian) School integrated the MLE (mediated learning experience) program and aimed to become a charter school, but our faith designation prevented this. In 2002, we introduced Bright Start (ages 3 to 7) and became one of only two MLE schools in Canada, the other being in Vancouver. Over the years, as MLE training became more complicated to implement, we moved about from being a formal MLE school, but the philosophy of the MLE program has remained.
DCS launched the Leader in Me Program in September 2022. Leadership lessons and the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People are taught in all the classes from playschool to grade 9. There was great buy-in from staff, students, and parents.
Leader in Me is an evidence-based, comprehensive model that builds leadership and life skills in students, creates a high-trust school culture, and lays the foundation for sustained academic achievement. There are over 5,000 Leader in Me schools around the world. The mission of the Leader in Me Program is to unleash the greatness in students, educators, and school communities everywhere.
This year we continue to use many of the principles instilled over the last two years from the Leader in Me program, while choosing to also focus on developing servant leaders through a more biblical lens.