Video about Independent Schools (from AISCA)

Join the Team – Career Opportunities

Leader in Me

We are excited to be implementing the Leader in Me program to our school through all grades for the 2022-2023 school year. Raising the LEADERS of tomorrow is something we are passionate about and this will allow us to incorporate leadership into every area of student life. At DCS we beleive everyone can be a leader, change starts with me, everyone has genius and we can develop the whole person.

Teach LEADERSHIP to every student,

Create a CULTURE of student empowerment,

Align systems to drive results in ACADEMICS,

And integrate Christian FAITH in everything we do

Mediated Learning Education:

Click Here for the History of Mediated Learning at Destiny School

What kind of a learner are you?
Are you predominately a RIGHT or LEFT brain thinker?

Many intelligent students are often blocked or frustrated in their learning processes.

Mediated Learning Opens EVERY Door!

The School I See…

D – Defining and celebrating the uniqueness and destiny of each child.

E – Empowering students to become independent and strategic thinkers.

S – Significance developed in each person as he/she understands his/her calling & purpose for living.

T -Teaching tools for all learners using mediated learning.

I – Impacting the lives of students so their influence will be: their community, nation, and world around them.

N – Nurturing students and releasing them in their spiritual gifts.

Y – Youth mentored: academically, physically, socially and spiritually.